

 Martin Heidegger, a renowned philosopher of the 20th century, made significant contributions to existentialism and phenomenology. However, his involvement with the Nazi party remains a subject of controversy. It is important to note that Heidegger's relationship with the Nazis was complex and has been widely debated by scholars. Heidegger joined the Nazi party in 1933, believing that it would provide a platform to promote his philosophical ideas. He initially welcomed the party's emphasis on tradition, community, and authenticity, which resonated with his philosophical concepts. However, his involvement with the Nazis did not go without criticism. During his rectorship at Freiburg University, Heidegger implemented policies that reflected Nazi ideology, such as the dismissal of Jewish professors and the introduction of a curriculum aligned with Nazi principles. These actions cannot be ignored or excused, as they undoubtedly contributed to the persecution of intellectuals and th...

Mainlanders: beliefs.

 Title: Philip Mainländer: A Life Shaped by Profound Beliefs and Untimely Death Introduction: Philip Mainländer was a 19th-century philosopher and poet whose life and work were deeply influenced by his unique belief systems. Born in 1841 in Offenbach, Hesse, Germany, Mainländer led a life filled with introspection and philosophical musings. Throughout his lifetime, he embraced beliefs surrounding pessimism, idealism, and the inherent nature of existence, leading to a tragic outcome that reflected the complex turmoil within his mind. This essay explores the remarkable life, untimely death, and profound beliefs of Philip Mainländer, shaping an understanding of his significant contributions to philosophy. I. Life and Early Influences: A. Mainländer's upbringing and family background B. Education and early intellectual influences C. The impact of Arthur Schopenhauer's philosophy on his thinking II. The Development of Pessimistic Idealism: A. Mainländer's embracing of pessimisti...


 Title: Panentheism: Exploring the Difference between Panentheism and Deism.                ++++++ Introduction: The human quest for understanding the nature of the divine has given rise to various philosophical and theological perspectives. Panentheism and deism are two such perspectives that offer contrasting views on the relationship between God and the universe. This essay aims to delve into the concept of panentheism and highlight its differences from deism. By exploring their fundamental principles, we can gain a deeper understanding of these philosophical frameworks. Body: 1. Defining Panentheism:    Panentheism is derived from the Greek words "pan" meaning "all" and "en" meaning "in." In panentheism, God is understood as both transcendent (beyond the universe) and immanent (actively present within the universe). This perspective posits that God is intimately connected to and involved in the ongoing processes of the universe,...


 Title: Philipp Mainländer: A Unique Voice in Metaphysical Philosophy Philipp Mainländer was a 19th-century philosopher whose ideas continue to intrigue and challenge conventional perspectives. While his philosophy delves into existential themes and presents a critical view of God and existence, it is essential to approach his work with an open mind and appreciate its significance within the realm of philosophical thought. This article aims to provide an objective and informative overview of Mainländer's life, ideas, and their impact on the field of philosophy. Philipp Mainländer, born in 1841 in what is now Poland, led a relatively reclusive life. He was deeply influenced by the works of German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer, whose pessimistic philosophy explored the nature of suffering and the human condition. Mainländer's own experiences and reflections contributed to the development of his distinct worldview. Metaphysical Pessimism: Mainländer's philosophy is primarily...

Bad Cop/Badder Cop.

 Bad Cop, Badder Cop. ___________________  As a kid I was taught (or Indoctrinated to be more specific) that Police Officers, Ambulance Drivers and Fireman were *The Good Guys.*... The Heroes. Those you could depend on to protect the Public Good while maintaining Social Order.  So mottos / (cliches?) like: " To Serve and Protect  is to Honor the Law!  We Serve our Community!  We Protect our Citizens!  United we stand, Divided we fall.  Justice will be served!" meant something to  me, and I sincerely believed that there were  real-life heroes out there putting their lives on  the line to keep the good citizens of Society safe.  Yet now, (in the wake of so MANY police corruption incidents) I can't help but feel that the majority of my life has been spent honoring what essentially appears  to be Empty Slogans. Idealistic Terms used to create specific impressions in the mind of the public that (for the most part) doesn't seem ...

Alex Jones

    Alex Jones to pay 4 million in recent lawsuit loss. But Deep State Shadow Trials have just begun. _______________________________________